Saturday, April 9, 2011

All work and no play makes Roxie a sunburned girl.

Today was spent doing the wonderful manual labor-type jobs that come with the territory.  We cut up and moved a huge tree that fell across the fence of the horses' pasture. We repaired said fence.  We cleaned off the porch--which doesn't sound like much until you see our porch...all 900 square feet of it.  We got the pen ready for Jacob's arrival tomorrow (yay!) and attempted to mow the yard.  Attempted.  The lawnmower had a different idea and decided it would be a good day to break a belt.  Did I mention that it was 91 degrees here today?  No?  Well it was.  Which is better than 31 degrees, so I'm not complaining!  (Ok, maybe I am.  A little.)  I did forget the sunscreen again today but atleast I wore my trusty straw hat.  No, there will be no pictures of me in my trusty straw hat. I want you to keep reading, not run away screaming in terror!

On with the pictures!  First off, here's what's left standing of the tree.  The large cedar grew up along side the original tree.  Parasites those things are!

It was a huge tree!
Next are photos of the fallen part and the fence, which may have been repaired by this time.  Dunno.  Let's see!

Tree, part 1

Tree, part 2
 Aaaaaand tree, part 3 seems to be missing.  Well if that's just not the way this day's gone.... LOL!  I'll hunt it down and post it.  Here's my heroic husband breaking out the tractor (*gasp*  He actually didn't hide from the camera for once!  Could be because he had no idea I was taking this pic while I was hiding on the porch like the paps...).

Luckily the tractor had no problems pulling the rest of the tree down.
 I don't have any pictures of Jacob's pen because it's just not anything special without him in it!  Don't worry, tomorrow's post will be CHOCK FULL of cuteness!  More cuteness than you can shake a stick at.  But before I leave you, I'll leave you with these darling photos of Ang, one of our Easter Egger chicks napping in my shirt pocket.  Ten points if you can figure out why his name is Ang. ;)
Hello there, cuteness!

Ack!  Too bright!
One last warning.  Be prepared for cuteness overload tomorrow.  I know I've said it before but I'll say it again---baby goat arrival imminent.  Bottle feeding will commence and will make you SQUEEE in cuteness frenzy.  You've been warned.  G'night! 

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