Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A rarity indeed!

Wow.  Today was a fairly un-crazy day!  Those are few and far between here on Appaloosa Hill and I've come to appreciate them.  I'm sure tomorrow will MORE than make up for today's lack of action.  No new hatchlings today, the chicks and ducklings in the brooder are doing wonderfully, the horses are loafing about the pasture, the flock o' nutjobs is doing whatever it is that a flock o' nutjobs does all day.  I'm sure it involves eating bugs and annoying their fellow farm inhabitants. :)

I'm thinking that we need goats.  See?  Neeeeeeeeeed goats.  Not want, but neeeeeeed.  I have my sights set on a couple of Nigerian Dwarf goat wethers (billy goats that have been given the old snipsnip), but a little LaMancha buckling popped up on my goat-dar today and boy is he a little looker.  Have you seen LaMancha goats?  No?  You MUST go look them up.  They have no ears.  None.  Zip.  Zero.  They're oddly very cute little things!  The little guy's name is Jacob and he's a bottle baby.  Can we say SQUEEEEE!  Nothing cuter than a little goat kid with a bottle, folks.  If I'm lucky enough to bring Jacob home I will undoubtedly flood you with pictures of the handsome guy. 

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