Tuesday, April 12, 2011

His name is Jacob and he's black, but he's no werewolf!

Jacob the little LaMancha goat made it home finally!  He's absolutely adorable.  He's also a very sweet boy who likes to be where ever we are.  At all times.  He follows us around the farm as we do chores, he follows the kids onto the trampoline (yeah, we had to nip that one in the bud), he climbs the playscape along side the kids and has braved the little slide.  Otis the Wonderdog met him and greeted him like any other dog.  There was lots of..erm...sniffing.  They get along famously.  Jacob likes to follow us onto the porch and lay at our feet while we relax in our chairs and enjoy the view.  Otis on one side, Jacob on the other.  We're absolutely thrilled to have him and can't wait for his partner Makalo to join us.  Makalo is a Dwarf wether who will come live with us once he's weaned.  He and Jacob will make up a two-goat team of landscapers.  We'll move them around to different fields and pastures here on the farm in hopes that they'll keep the brush growth down.  Now for the best part--pictures!

He was NOT happy about the ride home.  Not liking the crate.

He decided he wasn't speaking to me.

Carter loved feeding him--can you tell he's grinning like a madman?

Nina Cate thinks he's adorable.  I agree. :)


Hello there.

More yummy!

What's going on over there?

See?  He follows us EVERYWHERE.  No, Jacob, you are not a house goat.

Nina Cate is apparently his fairy godmother.

These steps are a bit big for such small legs.

He was trying to catch the pullstrings on my hat.  He succeeded. :)
We'll see what tomorrow brings--it's bound to be funny.  Or disasterous.  Maybe both.

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