Thursday, April 7, 2011

Holy lots o' happenings!

Today has been chock full o' blog-worthy goodness!  Let's start our day by discussing my minivan, shall we?  Well, it's a good minivan.  Never hurt a soul, never uttered a bad word about anyone, never given us any lip.  So what it did to deserve THIS, I'll never know:

Can you tell what this is?!
Yes, ladies and germs, that is my air filter.  Care to know what made that hole?  A SQUIRREL.  Wanna know what she did while inside there?  Made a huge nest.  HUGE.  Wanna know what happened when alllllll that nesty stuff dislodged from the filter?  THIS is what happened:

Oh hai Mr Tow Truck Man!
My van sputtered and died.  Dead.  Luckily the guys at Tippers Automotive took excellent care of it and now has me back to running amok in Lincoln County!  *waving at Tippers' mechanics*

After the van was up and running again, I went to the local sells-it-all store and bought azaleas.  Wolfpack azaleas to be exact.  They're a gorgeous red and aren't too tall which is perfect for the little flower bed I put them in.  Nina Cate picked out the yellow Gerbera daisies. :)  The flower bed went from this:

Was that a tumbleweed I saw just blow by?!
 To this:

Oh look!  Flowers!
Please ignore the crooked edging bricks and focus on the LOVELY flora that now inhabits what was once a desolate, arid wasteland! :)

And lastly, we visited a local goat farm where we met Jacob.  Say hello to everyone, Jacob!

Jacob is a 4-week-old LaMancha buckling.  He'll be coming to live with us this Sunday.  We're thrilled to be welcoming him home to Appaloosa Hill.  He'll be wethered (neutered) before coming and will be kept as a pet and landscaping assistant.  He and the kids (my human kids, that is) played together while I spoke with his owner.  They ran uphill and down, chased each other, and generally had a grand time.  Jacob is very affectionate and quite possibly thinks he's human!  We'll be bottle feeding him for the next month or so, so expect to be innundated with adorable baby goat pictures. :)  And, no, your eyes are not playing tricks on you--Jacob has no ears. 

Look, Mom!  No ears!
Now that we're home and are settling in for the evening, one thing has made itself apparent---I must never EVER forget the sunscreen again... 

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